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COMMENT & ANALYSIS: A small wave of immigration.
By Philip Stephens. May 24, 2002.
Everywhere across Europe we hear the sound of doors slamming. The continent,
we are told, is under siege. Globalisation was supposed to make us all rich
by tearing down national frontiers. But there is a snag. We can rejoice
at the fact that goods and capital now wash across the world oblivious to
geographical, ethnic and political boundaries. But people? That is different.
Globalisation must have limits. We cannot allow migration to disrupt the
social order of Europe's prosperous states.
The huddled masses pay no heed. The Somalis and Afghanis, Kurds and Sri
Lankans, Pakistanis and Iraqis, Iranians and Turks - they are too desperate
to listen. For those locked outside the rich man's club, every unmanned border
crossing, every gap in a fence, every passing train, car or boat promises
freedom and a future.
The result? Hysteria in much of Europe's media and blind panic among its
governments. Politicians from right, left and centre answer in one voice.
The dikes must be plugged, the flood halted. And, lest we think them blinkered
or selfish, the politicians claim what passes these days for the moral high
ground. If democratic governments do not act decisively, they tell us, rightwing
populists will capitalise on public fears. Better Tony Blair and Jacques
Chirac build the new European fortress than hand the keys to Jean-Marie Le
This mindset is now promising policies as absurd as they are coarsely unjust.
A confidential memorandum prepared for Mr Blair and leaked to The Guardian
newspaper offers a glimpse of the current madness. British warships, the
author suggests, should be dispatched to the Mediterranean to intercept boats
carrying illegal immigrants who might eventually show up in Britain. The
Royal Air Force should be pressed into service to secure "bulk removals"
of those denied a haven in Britain. Asylum-seekers from "safe" countries
(Pakistan, of all places, makes this list) should be denied any right to
appeal against deportation. Visa requirements should be introduced to prevent
people fleeing Robert Mugabe's tyranny in Zimbabwe. And, this the most draconian,
impoverished nations that refuse properly to co-operate with Britain in taking
back their nationals should be denied development aid.
Put aside for a moment the sheer impracticality and dubious legality of
some of these proposals. Focus instead on the immoral vacuity of the last
suggestion. Poverty and the ravages of war in, say, Somalia drive many of
that country's citizens towards Europe. But unless Somalia's government fully
co-operates in taking most of them back, it will lose British aid.
Have I missed something? Wouldn't a Somalia deprived of outside help fall
into still deeper chaos and despair? Wouldn't more of its people be driven
to flee? Wouldn't these unfortunates have a better case to claim asylum
when they turned up hidden in lorries or clinging to trains at Britain's
No matter. Mr Blair, for reasons that have everything to do with cheap
politics and nothing to do with rational policy, wants his European Union
partners to follow suit. This week he told José Mara Aznar, his Spanish
counterpart, that illegal immigration should head the agenda at next month's
summit of EU leaders in Seville. And yes, the EU should use its aid budget
as a weapon to ensure compliance. "You flex your economic muscle to tap
into a particular country that is causing you problems," explained one of
Mr Blair's officials. "We already do it for terrorism; why not for immigration?"
So there we have it. We are now fighting two wars, one against terrorism,
the other against those wretched economic migrants and asylum-seekers.
Gunboats are not enough. Mr Blair and his continental colleagues want to
build a new European Wall. Once the applicant countries from the former
Soviet Union have joined, the Union's new eastern frontier must be sealed
against those beyond. East Germany's Stasi used to keep people in. A new
corps of EU border guards will be tasked with locking people out.
None of this will work. Prohibition has already put migration into the
hands of criminal gangs. The traffic in human misery now vies with the drugs
trade as a source of billions for those who make their fortunes from the
dark side of globalisation. Europe's borders will always be porous. Knowledge
of the drugs networks should have taught governments long ago that as long
as there is demand there will be supply.
The cynicism of the politicians, though, is unbounded. It does not matter
whether the policies work. Perceptions are what count. Domestic electorates
must be persuaded that their governments are being tough with "scroungers"
and "bogus asylum-seekers".
Perceptions in this debate are almost everything. To listen to Mr Blair
and the rest, one would think western Europe had been overrun. In fact, the
recorded number of asylum-seekers entering the EU has halved during the past
decade. Those claiming refuge each year represent only 0.1 per cent of the
EU's population. And they do low-paid, dirty jobs that the indigenous population
will not touch. Only last month Gordon Brown, the chancellor, said an increase
in the country's economic growth rate was in part due to immigration.
None of this is to deny that large and sudden influxes of immigrants can
cause social dislocation and cause ethnic tension in the recipient countries.
The process has to be managed and, of course, there will be problems during
the transition. But each time the politicians talk up their counter-measures
they pander to the xenophobes.
Missing is the political courage to tell the truth. As long as there is
chaos and poverty on Europe's periphery, the citizens of those countries will
seek to escape it. What better case for more, not less, aid, more help to
build political and social institutions in failed or failing states? And,
yes, Europe's wealthy but ageing population needs young, eager immigrants
to generate the economic growth of the future.
Mr Blair's government, I was reminded yesterday, does occasionally show
signs of intelligence. A white paper published this year by David Blunkett,
the home secretary, recognised the need to open up legitimate immigration
routes. But such flashes of reason are then spoilt by the knee-jerk responses
we have seen again this week. Anyone can slam doors. It requires leadership
to open them.