FlyingFish |
Bureau of Investigative Journalism | 'The
Bureau of Investigative Journalism is an independent,
not-for-profit organisation that holds power to account. We
tackle big subjects through deep reporting that uncovers the
truth. We tell the stories that matter. Our aim is to inform
the public about the realities of power in today's world. We
are particularly concerned with the undermining of
democratic processes and failures to accord with fair, legal
and transparent practices.' |
School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies |
of Britain's premier centres for teaching and research, with
staff who have international reputations both in practical
journalism and in research and publication.' |
Committee to Protect Journalists | 'The
Committee to Protect Journalists is an independent, nonprofit
organization that promotes press freedom worldwide. We defend
the right of journalists to report the news without fear of
reprisal.' |
Common Dreams |
been said that dreams are our roadmaps to the future. If so,
where are we headed? Common Dreams is a national non-profit
citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans
together to promote progressive visions for America's future.
Founded in 1997, we are committed to being on the cutting-edge
of using the internet as a political organizing tool - and
creating new models for internet activism. We are funded exclusively by our members and supporters - no corporate money, no advertising, no hidden agendas. With a small staff and a network of volunteers, we are proud of what we've accomplished on a shoestring budget. |
Consortium News | 'We [look] at the underlying problems of modern democracy, particularly the insidious manipulation of citizens by government propaganda and the accomplice role played by mainstream media. Rather than encouraging diversity in analyses especially on topics of war and peace, today’s mainstream media takes a perverse pride in excluding responsible, alternative views.' |
Corporate Europe Observatory | 'CEO is a European-based research and campaign group targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and the environment posed by the economic and political power of corporations and their lobby groups.' |
Corporate Watch (UK) | 'Corporate Watch is a radical research and publishing group, set up in late 1996 to support activism against large corporations, particularly multinationals. While rooted in the grassroots ecological movement, it now embraces a range of issues and campaigning approaches.' |
Corp Watch (US) | 'Corporate Watch is an online magazine and
resource center designed to provide you - every day
Internet users - activists, journalists, students,
teachers and policy makers - with an array of tools that
you can use to investigate and analyze corporate activity. We are committed to exposing corporate greed by documenting the social, political, economic and environmental impacts of these transnational giants.' |
CounterPunch | 'Fearless muckraking since 1993.' |
CovertAction Magazine |
covert action since 1978.' |
UK |
investigate Britain’s military and intelligence agencies,
its most powerful corporations and its impact on human
rights and the environment.' |
Now! |
'For true democracy to work, people need easy
access to independent, diverse sources of news and
information. But the last two decades have seen unprecedented corporate media consolidation. The U.S. media was already fairly homogeneous in the early 1980s: some fifty media conglomerates dominated all media outlets, including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, music, publishing and film. In the year 2000, just six corporations dominated the U.S. media. In addition, corporate media outlets in the U.S. are legally responsible to their shareholders to maximize profits. Democracy Now! is funded entirely through contributions from listeners, viewers, and foundations. We do not accept advertisers, corporate underwriting, or government funding. This allows us to maintain our independence.' |
The Ecologist | 'Our subject areas are broad, our analysis radical. In an authoritative and accessible style, we cover issues both topical and general, and in doing so, open new areas of debate on everything from science and technology to the impacts of the globalisation of economic development on jobs, health and the environment.' |
Electronic Intifada |
'The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and
educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics,
culture and place in the world.' |
Ethical Consumer | 'Ethical consumerism is all about empowering the consumer. Often people feel powerless in the face of global issues such as ozone depletion and third world exploitation but ethical consumerism can be a driving force for change.' |
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) | 'FAIR is the national media
watch group that offers well-documented criticism of media
bias and censorship. We seek to invigorate the First
Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the
press. We scrutinize media practices that marginalize
public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. FAIR believes that independent, aggressive and critical media are essential to an informed democracy. But mainstream media are increasingly cozy with the economic and political powers they should be watchdogging. Mergers in the news industry have accelerated, further limiting the spectrum of viewpoints that have access to mass media. With U.S. media outlets overwhelmingly owned by for-profit conglomerates and supported by corporate advertisers, independent journalism is compromised.' |
Glasgow Media Group |
has developed techniques to link the analysis of media
content with the processes by which audiences receive and
interpret messages.' |
The Grayzone |
'An independent news website dedicated to original investigative journalism and analysis on politics and empire.' |
In These Times |
'In These Times is an independent political newsmagazine. Our purpose is to challenge the ideological conformity of the corporate media, and to make sense of the news bites and disembodied stories we are fed in the daily press and on television.' |
Independent Media Center |
'The Independent Media Center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, objective, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people to who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity.' |
Index on Censorship | 'Index on Censorship is a nonprofit that campaigns for
and defends free expression worldwide.' |
The Intercept |
'The Intercept gives its journalists the editorial freedom
and legal support they need to pursue investigations that
expose corruption and injustice wherever they find it and
hold the powerful accountable.' |
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists | 'The news media, hobbled by short attention spans and
lack of resources, are even less of a match for those who would
harm the public interest. Broadcast networks and major
newspapers have closed foreign bureaus, cut travel budgets, and
disbanded investigative teams. We are losing our eyes and ears
around the world precisely when we need them most.' |
Jacobin |
' "The
appearance of Jacobin magazine has been a bright
light in dark times. Each issue brings penetrating, lively
discussions and analyses of matters of real significance,
from a thoughtful left perspective that is refreshing and
all too rare. A really impressive contribution to sanity,
and hope." - Noam Chomsky ' | - 'the films and journalism of John Pilger' |
'It is not
enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers
without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and
myths that surround it.' |
MediaLens 'Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media' |
'MediaLens is our response to the unwillingness, or inability, of the mainstream media to tell the truth about the real causes and extent of many of the problems facing us, such as human rights abuses, poverty, pollution and climate change. Because much modern suffering is rooted in the unlimited greed of corporate profit-maximising - in the subordination of people and planet to profit - it seems to us to be a genuine tragedy that society has for so long been forced to rely on the corporate media for 'accurate' information.' |
Middle East Eye |
'Middle East Eye is an independently funded digital news organisation
covering stories from the Middle East and North Africa, as well as
related content from beyond the region.' |
Press News |
'We focus our coverage on issues relating to the effects of special interest groups, big business and lobbying efforts and how they shape policies at home and abroad, including American foreign policy. Through the lens of social justice and human rights, we report on how these dynamics drive our foreign affairs and impact the world, and examine the effects they have on our democracy and freedoms as defined by the constitution.' |
Le Monde diplomatique |
'Le Monde diplomatique is the place you go when you want to know what’s really happening. This is a major international paper that is truly independent, that sees the world in fresh ways, that focuses on places no other publications reach. We offer a clear, considered view of the conflicting interests and complexities of a modern global world.' |
Mother Jones |
'Mother Jones is a magazine of investigation and ideas for independent thinkers. Provocative and unexpected articles inform readers and inspire action toward positive social change. Colorful and personal, Mother Jones challenges conventional wisdom, exposes abuses of power, helps redefine stubborn problems and offers fresh solutions.' |
The Nation | ' "The Nation will not be the organ of any party, sect, or body. It will, on the contrary, make an earnest effort to bring to the discussion of political and social questions a really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of violence, exaggeration, and misrepresentation by which so much of the political writing of the day is marred." -- from The Nation's founding prospectus, 1865.' |
New Internationalist |
NI 'exists to report on issues of world poverty and
inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship
between the powerful and the powerless in both rich and poor
nations; to debate and campaign for the radical changes
necessary if the basic material and spiritual needs of all
are to be met.' |
openDemocracy | 'Independent,
public interest, not-for-profit; a counter to the
corporate media.' |
for Propaganda Studies |
'The Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS) facilitates and conducts rigorous academic research and analysis of propaganda, both historical and contemporary. Propaganda is a manipulative form of persuasion that is frequently found across political, economic, and security domains in authoritarian states as well as in liberal democracies.' |
Peace News |
'Welcome to Peace News, the newspaper for the UK grassroots peace and justice movement. We seek to oppose all forms of violence, and to create positive change based on cooperation and responsibility.' |
Positive News |
is the world's first positive newspaper. We report on
positive developments from across the world and take a
solution-focused perspective on the challenges facing
society. We aim to inform, inspire and empower our readers, while helping create a more balanced and constructive media.' |
ScheerPost | 'We're supposed to trouble the government; we're supposed to challenge the government.' |
Stop the War
Coalition - Articles, Videos &
Statements |
'Stop the War was founded in September 2001, in
the weeks following 9/11 when George W. Bush announced the
"war on terror". ' |
TomDispatch |
'A regular antidote to the mainstream media.' |
ZNet |
'ZNet intends to become a community of mutually supportive actors in the struggle to make the world a better place for human beings and other living things.' '...a wide range of specifically online articles and resources on current struggle and crises, in-depth sections focusing on matters of race, gender, class, international relations, ecology, youth, gay liberation, etc., alternative media coverage, activism tools and coverage...' |
The Onion |
'America's Finest News Source.' |